We visit cocoa farms
We count cocoa pods
We forecast cocoa crops
We identify cocoa imbalances
You trade
Field experts
By definition, we are THE independent crop forecaster in the cocoa market; since 2013, we build our databases, we develop our products and services, and we prove our reliability and our added-value to most participants in the cocoa market.
Based on our in-depth knowledge of the West-African cocoa belt (about 80% of the world production), we keep our clients connected with what happens in the fields and in the farms in the major cocoa-producing countries.
We visit our sample sites (more than 300 across Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana) every month to better anticipate the changes in production and the possible imbalances.
Reputed analysts
We develop our services with a scientific and methodic approach. Just like we visit our field samples every month with a Swiss-clock precision, we collect and process market data with the same discipline, on daily, weekly, decadal and monthly bases. With FORESTERO, the blind spots in cocoa aren't blind anymore.
Whether they have their own in-house tool or not, our clients rely on us to access cocoa research and/or to compare their own findings with a reliable independent source.
Contact us
You want more information about our services?
Please contact us:
Tel.: +41 78 752 37 10